day 2 of spanish class and i discovered exactly how beautiful the grounds are, unfortunately no camera today but my teacher and i both agreed that bringing the camera tomorrow is a necessity thus you my faithful few will get a glimpse of what class should look like. :-)
today i would like to talk to you about how delicious and amazing san pedro street food is. most people walk by these veritable gold mines of delicious and healthy culinary treats that cost literally pennies to eat. yesterday evening i sampled three wonderful vendors after dinner with my new family i had been chilling with a friend last night when we decided that though the view from the roof of his posada was sucking us and the sounds and songs from the many churches that dot the mountain side was drawing us out into town (pueblo centro).
our first stop: bbq chicken either a leg or breast, globs of guacamole, globs of beans, 4 tortillas all for a whopping price of 8Q ($1)
our second stop: taco san pedro style, tortilla, beef, pile of fried onions, chopped lettuce and muy hot sauce. this ran me 5Q ($.75)
our third stop: tostada - picture every delicious veg, some chicken and then some more and that is approx. what you will find on this tostada. again 5Q ($.75)
of course when such deals are at had with food the same usually stands with beer. unfortunately a liter the mexican beer carto blanco is only 15Q which complemented our spicy evening comida (food) walkabout. the evening was well spent and an early 'to bed' was had. as my description of my tostada was far from accurate and mostly lacking i feel it important to share a self-portrait of my tostada and me from a few days ago.
my delicious tostada (it cost me $.75!)
after class today and a call home .....
we interrupt this blog for a special announcement ..... Jane Berlin had her last treatment ending her most impressive battle with the bloody awful breast cancer! congratulations mom, the world is a much better place with you happy and healthy. and i personally look forward to turning the rest of your lovely hair gray. hey you always told me to finish what i started :-) ....... thank you for your patience and we now return to our regular scheduled program....
.... and a lovely lunch with my new family i went on a daytime walkabout that consisted of, yes you guessed it, tostadas, a climb up to the 'rock', a swim in the lake and now a delicious coffee that was grown in the back of the mini cafe i currently sit in...
me and rosa, my friend and barista
just realizing now that dinner is minutes away and i certainly do not want to be late and miss another lovely night with a lovely group of people. as such i will now show you the photos from today and if there is time i will label if not i am sure you are all clever enough to figure them out.
much love

thanks for checking in. be back soon.
Great stories, beautiful pictures! Keep writing because I'm loving reading!
ReplyDeleteNow that's what I call living! I'm so happy for you!
Sounds and looks great,keep it up!
ReplyDeleteDamon your stories and oictures are wonderful! Thank you for your support honey. I have to say my hair is grey enough - consider the job completed! Love Mom
ReplyDeleteLooks like you are having a great time and as always, your pictures are absolutely amazing - what a talent! I've had many a laugh from your stories, what a good read! I think I will live vicariously through you for the next 4 months!Take care and be safe.
ReplyDeleteContinues de me faire réver... Tellement bon de te lire et de t'imaginer... ;-) See you soon xx