though i have a hometown, ottawa, i am a nomad at heart. this blog will take you with me on my travels near and far. currently said travels are taking place in Guatemala and they will continue for the next 4 months (at least). stop by for my regular updates coupled with photos it just might make the cold land you hail from feel that much warmer (or colder if you are the jealous type).

Thursday, January 14

a quick stop in florida and then....

just a quick note as i will be leaving for miami airport in just a few minutes and would like to squeeze in one last hot shower before leaving for guatemala a land of beauty, culture, volcanoes (and even a little strife) but no bloody hot showers! well at least that's what i've been told. either way, hot showers are nice but hardly essential, while in indonesia (SE asia) i was without hot water for 4 months and on top of that i was without a towel! that was the first time i had experience theft while backpacking and it was from another traveler no less. i was passed out in my hammock, as i do, with my towel and shirt hanging to dry off either end. while napping, some punter came over and nicked my stuff. as such for the remainder of my time in SE asia i would shower (cold) then spend the next hour drip drying. ah the joys of having such an easy schedule that fitting a 1 hour drip dry into your day doesn't disrupt a thing.

so i am sitting here in my grandparents condo on the 17th floor looking out over the ocean and inter-coastal and i thought if i was enjoying the scenery then so should you (all 2 readers).

well my granpa is getting anxious so i gotta either from the airport or guate...peace out..

oh by the way, that was a lovely shower!


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