though i have a hometown, ottawa, i am a nomad at heart. this blog will take you with me on my travels near and far. currently said travels are taking place in Guatemala and they will continue for the next 4 months (at least). stop by for my regular updates coupled with photos it just might make the cold land you hail from feel that much warmer (or colder if you are the jealous type).

Friday, March 5

salsa disaster or master?

as you will know from my last post, i am in xela, guatemala. i am here to learn spanish and experience the second largest city in guatemala. so far so good. being the lucky guy i am i fell into a great school and met up with some great friends from part 1 of my guate adventure. i thought this would be a primarily spanish learning centre (at least for me) but it has turned out to be much more than that.

last night after a delicious family dinner me and my friends went off to a salsa dancing lesson at a bar in town. i was reluctant to say the least so i did require some lubrication from my good friend Gallo (a local beer). 1 liter in i was ready to hit the dance floor, truthfully it may have been more than the beer that brought em to the dance floor...there was a very sexy finish lady that could also take the credit. at first i was thinking cool, 1 2 3 4 5 and back 1 2 3 and forward 1 2 3 4 5, easy i got this! well that was until they added more steps and then, if you can believe it, a spin! i was wishing now for another cervesa and a pair of shoes, the sandals were just not cutting it. but things changed, as they always do, for the better. we got paired up and now we got to practice our 'moves' with another. would you believe it if i told you that canada and finland were united on the dance floor with some wild steps, moves, spins and whatever else our teacher tried to throw at us. i was feeling atop of the world! that is until the bar opened to others and a crowd flowed in filling the once empty bar. soon there were others on the dance floor and they were not beginners. knowing out place we found our seats and watched the madness ensue. i tell you i saw things on that dance floor that i thought was reserved for xxx websites (not that i've looked, of course) and not that i am complaining for it was AMAZING. 

the coordination, the skill, the sexuality all ensure that i will be back next week, in shoes and ready to SALSA!


  1. Both your adventures and your prose are incredible. Keep it up! You inspired me to start a blog!

  2. thanks cynthia, you have just encouraged me to try harder at getting back into the rhythm i was in prior to my "interruption".
