though i have a hometown, ottawa, i am a nomad at heart. this blog will take you with me on my travels near and far. currently said travels are taking place in Guatemala and they will continue for the next 4 months (at least). stop by for my regular updates coupled with photos it just might make the cold land you hail from feel that much warmer (or colder if you are the jealous type).

Thursday, March 11

survived another class (spanish and yoga)

today's report:

what a busy day i had. it is hard to believe that while on "vacation" (that's what some people would call what i am doing but that word does not come close to describing what i am doing here) one could have so little spare time!

yesterday after class i found half an hour to update my blog then it was off to my house (mi casa) for lunch, mmmmmm, as far as food is concerned i am doing very well, then it was time to focus on homework. i plugged away at regular and irregular verbs, present and passed tenses, for 3 hours then it was off to yoga. it was intense. after 15 minutes i was once again prepared to walk right out, but i didn't and i am glad for regardless at how unbendy i am i leave feeling GREAT! in class he was expecting us to plant our hands on the ground outside of our knees as we crouched. then he told us to put our knees on our elbows (what?) then, and i quote, "simply put your weight on your arms, lifting your feet and swing back and forth. (did i mention WHAT?) suffice to say i collapsed twice before i realized that move was still beyond me. aside from that ego squashing experience the class was intense but doable and i felt fresh and alive when i walked out.

it was a brisk walk to the casa for dinner which true to form was delicious! simple but delicious. tortillas (fresh), eggs (fresh), cheese (fresh) and of course hot sauce...mmmmm. dinner was wolfed down and a quick shower followed. dressed i was off to a meringue lesson at my school. meringue, a new experience for me and for my unfortunate partner who received the business end of my elbow in face during, what i considered, a particularly difficult move. she was gracious and was pretended not to be bothered with my clumsy/ungraceful nature. despite my lack of ability in meringue we both had a blast and when it came time to finish our lesson it was decided that we would all head off to a bar to practice...mama mia. remember yesterday how i told you my detox was going great, well no longer. i didn't get polluted but beer was consumed. alas, i figure that a fine balance of education, health and fiesta is my way forward. 

arriving home at midnight i had no energy left to review my days studies and homework and drifted peacefully off to sleep. ah sweet sleep. i was so tired i was not woken (for the first time this week) by the rooster who feels the need to flex his muscle at unnatural hours, even for a rooster. 

so busy as i am good times are still not only at hand but being had, day in and day out. off to lunch, then homework then a goodbye party for a new friend (where i dare say i will have more than a little beer, but it will be for a good cause. wish me luck. ciao for now. 

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